We were always like this !
We love to show the emotions according to what others will think about us instead of what we actually feel. The recent incident about one of a young talented actor has left us with the very basic question of "WHY WE DENY TO ACCEPT"?
Well yes people will stop posting about the recent incident by the end of this week or a month .
They will get engaged to the same old routine of running after money so that one day we could live better .
The sanity of basic life is to live , to feel , to observe the things around us and not just keep running and ending it with a huge list of things to-do.
Thinking about the life in a manner that things will get back to normal is the very basic error we do . !
Can we undo an error ?
Can we mend a Broken Glass without being able to see the cracks ?
We certainly can't? but the thing here is not about seeing the broken glass but to accept that its broken and not to hide the story behind it .
Mistakes happens , errors occurs , things will go wrong at certain point of time and that's how life happens . The very basic rule to live is to accept and not to hide our failures .
Instead of hiding we should be discussing it, so that other people don't make the same mistake we did. We need to be open about things in our life without having the fear of being judged .
The continuous denial of facts lead to suppression of thoughts in your mind and it keeps on increasing,
the things keep on repeating itself and you keep thinking the same thing again and again . What you should have done instead of getting mad everyday is to share the thought with the world in the first place .
Let there be noise , let the ocean unsettle at your words . let the flames get high.
Nothing else matters then the peace you'll feel after spitting it out .
It's the weight of unspoken words which hurt the most .
The very basic thing is to let it out .
The very basic thing is to Accept the things how it is and not thinking about what others might think .
The only cure of a unsettled mind is to let out the unspoken words ,so please LET IT OUT !
Photo by Norbert Kundrak from Pexels
We love to show the emotions according to what others will think about us instead of what we actually feel. The recent incident about one of a young talented actor has left us with the very basic question of "WHY WE DENY TO ACCEPT"?
Well yes people will stop posting about the recent incident by the end of this week or a month .
They will get engaged to the same old routine of running after money so that one day we could live better .
The sanity of basic life is to live , to feel , to observe the things around us and not just keep running and ending it with a huge list of things to-do.
Thinking about the life in a manner that things will get back to normal is the very basic error we do . !
Can we undo an error ?
Can we mend a Broken Glass without being able to see the cracks ?
We certainly can't? but the thing here is not about seeing the broken glass but to accept that its broken and not to hide the story behind it .

Instead of hiding we should be discussing it, so that other people don't make the same mistake we did. We need to be open about things in our life without having the fear of being judged .
The continuous denial of facts lead to suppression of thoughts in your mind and it keeps on increasing,
the things keep on repeating itself and you keep thinking the same thing again and again . What you should have done instead of getting mad everyday is to share the thought with the world in the first place .
Let there be noise , let the ocean unsettle at your words . let the flames get high.
Nothing else matters then the peace you'll feel after spitting it out .
It's the weight of unspoken words which hurt the most .
The very basic thing is to let it out .
The very basic thing is to Accept the things how it is and not thinking about what others might think .
The only cure of a unsettled mind is to let out the unspoken words ,so please LET IT OUT !
Photo by Norbert Kundrak from Pexels
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