"He is lucky" exclaimed anirudh, having a healthy conversation just after the results were declared. Anirudh stated that arnab always get better marks then him because of his luck. I and arnab study the same thing , take the same tuitions and the solve the same test papers but every time he gets a huge lead .This is a routine cry of anirudh supporting his failure to take over arnab. Often we came across these type of situations . Sometimes we are the part of this conversations , sometimes we just listen, but the one thing you will observe during these chats is that if you are the part of the conversation then you might believe that "Anirudh is right" keeping yourself in his position but as soon as you are the other part of the story .ie "Arnab to the story" you feel Irritated because you worked really hard to compete and after winning all the credit is going to your luck! isn't it? This was just a normal incidence I thought of sharing .I was just goin...
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