Its been a Month and I am still Not sure that "Whether I got the answer to this so called word DESIRE " ? But in the process of finding a single act of Humans without a Desire all I got was quite healthy amount of things which human do for desire, Here is what I got :- Ishani a good friend of mine, Quite a philosopher type and a believer of gods Existence visits to a nearby temple on weekly basis. Every time she passes from the corner of the Temple, she finds a beggar who has lost his legs, how he lost it is even a mystery to her so do with me. So as per her schedule of visiting temple last week I joined her.While returning she put a coin in the "bank of chiller box "of that beggar and recited her gods name and we proceeded for home, in the midway I asked her why she recited her gods name while giving that money to him, She replied in a philosophical way as she always does , what she explained was :- " See Ashish we do a lot of things knowingly or un...
Sometimes all you need in life is a pause , sometimes all you want is a pause .Take a deep breath and have a conversation with your own self. Feel calmed and relaxed